Why is it that when you join a network marketing company, the first thing that they tell you to do is write down the names of 50-100 people that you know and begin prospecting those individuals for your new business? What a bunch of bologna! We all know that family and friends are the worst people to prospect for ANY business. Here's why. Family and friends know you on a very personal level. For the most part, they do not have any business dealings with you, so they do not perceive you as a business person. Your family members would sooner go into business with the mailman before they go into business with you. Sad, but true. So why would you want to waste your time prospecting your uncle "Joe" who doesn't even take you seriously?

Then there are the people that you don't know...aka your "cold market". I personally prefer these people over family and friends (warm market) because when it comes to your cold market, you have the opportunity to "appear" as a serious business person and make a good first impression. However, there's still a huge problem when it comes to prospecting this market as well. Your cold market requires that you spend all day chasing people through departments stores, grocery stores, malls, and the like. How ludicrous is that! Let me let you in on a little secret. PEOPLE WHO ARE AT THE MALL ARE NOT LOOKING FOR YOU TO SHARE YOUR BUSINESS WITH THEM. THEY ARE TRYING TO SHOP! I know this may come as a shock to your up line- but the only reason people accept your business cards in shopping malls is because they don't want to be rude to you. Your card is going straight in the garbage or it will be used to write someone else's number on the back of it. If you want to waste time and money on cards and flyers, go right ahead.

But if not, let me show you how to really make a lot of money in your business. That is what you want...right? Let me ask you a question. When someone wants to know something, where do they go? To the mall? To the grocery store? To Wal-Mart? Of course not. They go to the internet! People Google what they want in the 21st century. If someone wants to join a network marketing company or start a new business, they Google it. Well, why on earth are you wasting time chasing people around the mall, begging them to look at your business? If you want good quality leads for your business, you MUST be online. That's the only way to truly compete and make it in this industry. When you are out prospecting people in your city, you are wasting valuable time and energy. Smart business owners do not operate this way. Top earners have marketing systems that work for them while they play on the beach. That's why we're so rich.

While I'm spending time with my wife and kids, my marketing system is attracting, filtering, and qualifying my leads for me! When I check my email in the morning (or whenever I decide to get up) there is a new business partner already signed up in my primary business! You gotta love America! If you think that is impressive, then how about this: What if I told you that you can make money even when someone says NO to your primary business? Well that's exactly what I'm telling you and that's exactly what I do. If you're tired of wasting time, energy, and money, chasing family-friends-and strangers through grocery stores, then let me show you a system that is responsible for generating over $2 million dollars in revenue in less than 16 months, and how you can get access to this very system today for $1.

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